Public Safety

Public safety is one of the key roles of government. Ensuring that we support our Alaska State Troopers, VPSO’s, and correctional facilities is a priority. It’s also important to support efforts to address social issues such as domestic violence and reducing human trafficking. 


Supporting Our Veterans and Alaska-Based Military Men and Women

Fairbanks and the Interior is home to two key military bases and also a high population of military veterans. We value and appreciate our service members who put themselves in harms way and also those who have honorably served our nation. 

Education and Families

Funding education is a critical role of state government. Delivering a stable, quality learning environment to our young people while offering a wide variety of school choice for students and families is essential. Raising student achievement should remain a core goal of the State and local school districts.

Strong Economy

Alaska’s economy is dependent on the responsible development of its resources. Oil and gas, mining, timber, fisheries, tourism, all have a place in our great state of Alaska. The North Slope and oil exploration continues to be the most important mechanism we have for funding our government and helping our country become energy independent. We need to keep signaling to industry as well as entrepreneurs, that Alaska and the Interior are open for business. I support small businesses and believe job creators need a stable regulatory and tax environment that allows for long-term investment decisions.

Lowering Energy Costs

Fairbanks is long overdue for affordable energy. We should continue to pursue all options for getting cheaper energy such as natural gas to the Interior. Whether it be trucking, rail or a gas line. Upgrading the Intertie between Anchorage and Fairbanks, while still supporting legacy energy sources such as clean burning coal is important. I am an all of the above energy proponent and support renewables when viable and sustainable.

Protect the Permanent Fund

My priority is to not only pay a healthy dividend to today’s Alaskans, but to protect the Permanent Fund for future generations. We need to share the wealth, but guard our future.